Friday, August 19, 2011

My Goodness! You're 3!

Sofi Sofi Sofi...Daddy here, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! (a little late). You have been looking forward to your third birthday for a long time now, knowing that with it comes so many new privileges. We threw you three parties for your third birthday: one with Nana and Papa, one with all your school friends (that's the one where we had a bounce house, and you bounced for so long in there that I thought you'd never come out), and one with all of your non-school friends, Grandpa Bob, Mary, Phyllis, Gracie and Lily. Three parties means triple the presents!

So, let's recap the year, shall we? I'd say the biggest thing that happened to you this year is, of course, becoming a Big Sister! Your brother, Cass, joined us on March 9th. What a wonderful sister you have been. I can see your love for him already, as you sometimes ask "Can we keep him forever?" I hope those sentiments last into your teenage years. Little Cass (although there's nothing little about him) is just getting ready to crawl, and soon after that he'll be walking and following you around wherever you go. He'll be your shadow, and it's up to you to show him the right path. I'll never forget bringing you to the hospital to meet him right after he was born. As I held the two of you in my arms for the first time, I was overwhelmed with love for you, for him, for Mommy, for our family. What a moment. What was once two, then three, is now four. The four Bayts. Quite a force to be reckoned with.

After Cass was born, you had to have a surgery, and it was NOT fun. But, I just could not believe how brave you were, and how remarkably you bounced back. You are so strong, Sofi. In every way. I think it's because you eat your vegetables; sometimes. I also think that after going through what you did this year, there's nothing you won't be able to handle in life.

Once that surgery was behind us, guess what, POTTY TRAINING TIME!!! You're doing a great job, even if there is an accident now and then. Keep washing your hands each time, and no, you can't put your hair in the toilet. Not now. Not ever. It's disgusting.

This summer at the pool, you have made tremendous progress floating, kicking, playing with your princesses, all the fun stuff. I'll bet by next summer, you'll be swimming under water while holding your breath.

Ok sweetie, I'm going to sign off now. I can't wait to see you at the end of every day, I'm so proud of you, and I love you to the moon and back. Daddy

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